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罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4454
(248) 370-3266

周一至周五:上午8点.m.-5 p.m.


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4454
(248) 370-3266

周一至周五:上午8点.m.-5 p.m.

finger reading Braille in a notebook


残疾支持服务办公室(DSS)协助当前和未来的学生谁是请求住宿访问项目和服务在十大菠菜台子. 住宿 are determined through an interactive, 个性化的, case by case interview between DSS and the student.


1. 学生必须向残疾支援服务办公室(DSS办公室)证明自己是残疾人士。.

2. When a student is ready to request an accommodation, they will need to contact the DSS Office and schedule an appointment. Ideally, this will happen before the beginning or at the beginning of the semester.

3. 这个过程, 从学生最初要求住宿到最终确定住宿, 如果有任何, 将提供, will be coordinated and led by the DSS Office and will include input from the student. 发展支持办公室将与其他大学部门或员工协商,如果发展支持办公室认为适当或必要的话.

4. 住宿不具有追溯力,只有在得到DSS办公室的批准并且学生与每位教授讨论了住宿后才开始.

5. Students must provide medical documentation of their disability. At any time during the accommodation process, 发展支助事务办公室可要求提供关于残疾和住宿需求的额外医疗文件.

6. After an initial meeting and documentation of disability has been provided, requested accommodations or modifications, 包括学业调整, are determined on a case-bycase basis and will vary depending on the circumstances of each case.

7. 十大菠菜台子 is not required to provide personal attendants, individually prescribed devices, readers or tutors for personal use or study, or other devices or services of a personal nature.

8. Once an accommodation is approved, the DSS Office will provide the student with a 教师 Notification Letter (FNL).

9. FNL包括如果教员不同意所列调整或服务的提供,如何与发展支助处联系的说明. 另外, 民族力量表示,任何个别教员都无权单方面拒绝发展支助处批准的学业调整和/或辅助援助或服务.

10. Students are responsible for providing the FNL to their professors. Ideally, this should happen during the first week of class, or as soon as possible. 学生还应该在学期中就住宿问题与教授保持积极的对话. 如果教员不同意与其课程有关的住宿条件,民族力量将指示教员与发展支助处联系. 任何个别教师都没有单方面的权力拒绝学生要求的住宿,这是由DSS办公室批准的. 任何教师对由DSS办公室批准的有关其课程的住宿的反对意见将首先转发给教师所在学院或学校的副院长, 如果有必要的话, then to the University’s 教务长办公室 for resolution in consultation with the DSS Office.

11. 教师 are responsible for maintaining confidentiality and for facilitating accommodations outlined in the FNL. 教师 should direct any questions about the FNL or the implementation of the accommodations to the DSS Office.

12. 每学期, the student can request FNLs by filling out a request form in person at the DSS Office, 或者学生可以在DSS网站上通过点击住宿申请表按钮在线填写申请表.

13. DSS办公室将以合理及时的书面形式通知学生任何拒绝住宿的请求. 该通知将包含拒绝的原因,并告知学生可以向大学的多样性办公室提出上诉, 股本, 和包容.

14. The DSS Office will notify students in a reasonably timely manner of all adjustments that have been agreed to.

15. The DSS Office will maintain a file containing the dates of a student’s request for accommodation, the nature of the student’s request, 任何证明文件, the reason(s) for any denial of the student’s request, and a description of the interactive process that occurred between the University and the student.

If you wish to receive a hard copy of these policies and 程序, please contact the DSS Office at 248-370-3266 or by email at (电子邮件保护).


残疾文件是在个案的基础上进行评估,并通过残疾支助服务办公室批准. 根据1973年《十大菠菜台子》第504条和《十大菠菜软件》的规定,文件必须证实残疾的存在,并提供充分的信息,以便根据学生残疾对学术或十大菠菜台子环境的影响提供合理的便利和服务.

Documentation submitted to the office of 残疾支援服务 must provide the following information:

  1. Evaluation is to be conducted by a qualified professional:
    1. Professionals conducting assessments, 呈现的诊断, 提供针对残疾的临床判断和/或提供住宿建议必须有资格这样做. Evaluator qualifications must include appropriate licensure/certification, 以及在要求提供住宿的领域内的全面培训和有关专门知识.
    2. 出于专业和道德方面的考虑,家庭成员对身体/精神残疾或健康状况的诊断将不予接受, even when the family member is otherwise qualified by virtue of training and licensure or certification.
    3. 文件应打印或打印在官方抬头的信纸上,并由有资格进行诊断的评估人员签名(包括有关执照或认证和专业领域的信息)。.
  2. Documentation is to include a specific diagnosis:
    1. Documentation is to include a diagnostic statement clearly identifying the disability.
    2. 文档将包括诊断统计手册(DSM -最新版本)中的诊断代码。
    3. Documentation is to describe how the condition was diagnosed, noting the individual’s functional limitations due to the condition/disability, and detail the typical progression or prognosis of the condition.
  3. Documentation is to be current.
    1. 因为提供合理的住宿和服务是基于对残疾对学生在学术或生活环境中的当前影响的评估, it is in the student’s best interest to provide recent and appropriate documentation.
    2. Requests for accommodations or services due to a condition that is fluctuating, is to be supported with documentation written within the past year.
  4. Documentation is to be comprehensive to substantiate the diagnosis.
    1. Documentation is to include educational, developmental and medical history relevant to the disability for which accommodations are being requested.
    2. 文件应包括用于记录和诊断所述残疾的诊断方法的描述-关于评估方法的信息, 程序, 测试, 行政管理日期, as well as clinical narratives, observations and specific results.
    3. 文档应包括对残疾导致的当前功能限制的描述-关于残疾状况当前如何影响个人在建议的住宿环境中的信息. 信息必须足够全面,以证明一种主要的生命活动是否以及如何受到严重限制, 频率, and pervasiveness of the condition.
    4. 提供残疾的预期进展或稳定性的描述-关于残疾随时间和环境的功能影响的预期变化的信息. 关于残疾的周期性或偶发性以及已知或怀疑的环境触发因素的信息为预测和计划不同的功能影响提供了机会.
    5. Information on both current and past medications including side effects, 辅助艾滋病, 辅助设备, 支持服务, 和住宿, including their effectiveness in ameliorating functional impacts of the disability.
    6. 先前的IEP/504计划. Will be considered if it includes:
      1. The testing scores used to diagnosis the disability.
      2. Includes data from high school.